India Urban Data Exchange

India Urban Data Exchange (IUDX) will be an open source software platform that will facilitate secure, authenticated and managed exchange of data amongst various data platforms,

3rd party authenticated & authorized applications and other data sources, data producers and consumers, both within a city to begin with and scaled up across cities eventually at a national level, in a uniform & seamless way.

The platform will provide full control to the data owners as to what data to expose and to whom. Built-in accounting mechanisms will enable it to connect with payment gateways which will form the foundations for a data marketplace. The whole platform will be developer friendly, via definitions of open APIs and data schema templates (formats for interpreting data), so that a whole new application ecosystem gets created.

The initial focus will be to enable data exchange between various city departments, between Governments & citizens and Governments & private sector within a city. Going forward, the initiative will scale up to data sharing between various cities & their stakeholders on a national level data sharing platform. It will directly address the issues that inhibit sharing & extraction of maximum value from the city’s data.

Data Marketplaces

As cities start to mature in their generation, usage and governance of data, and develop city data policies with appropriate institutional supports and
processes to foster innovation and collaboration, maintain privacy and security and eliminate silos, it will become possible to explore the monetization
potential of urban data. When this stage is reached by some of the leading DataSmart Cities, the DAM Unit will collaborate with them and SCDN to develop guidelines for the establishment of data marketplaces in order to help cities unlock the potential financial benefits of urban data.